Eco-Logic Staff Expectations & Conduct

Eco-Logic operates its business within Department of Education & Training’s Safety Guidelines for Education Outdoors 2020, as well as the Adventure Activity Standards (AAS).

Eco-Logic will ensure that our staff:

  • are appropriately qualified and/ or experienced in the activity that they are leading
  • conform to the required staff: client ratios
  • carry a mobile phone and first aid kit for all activities
  • demonstrate good sunsmart practices
  • provide appropriate safety briefings prior to each activity
  • will not discriminate against any client, and will encourage participation from everyone
  • use equipment that is safe and well maintained
  • are courteous of other users at our activity sites
  • demonstrate best environmental practice, including minimum impact on the environment

When you book an activity, you can request the full document Eco-Logic Staff Expectations & Conduct